THE MIGHTY SWISS BROTHEL presents in conjunction with Stage One's Quick and Dirty 24 Hour Play Festival "FOR DEATH RIDES QUICKLY" a play by Daniel Jackson starring Rachel Anderson Lauren Dunagen Daniel-Torres Rangel and Jamie Poskin directed by Ileana Drinvoan

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


This site is the host for the recorded video footage of Haptic Response Team's critically acclaimed production of "For Death Rides Quickly." Click the following links for a low quality and very low quality version of the movie file:

Low Quality

Very Low Quality

Originally titled "Denn Die Toden Reiten Schnell or For The Dead Ride Quickly," Daniel Jackson's script holds a storied history of flux and tension. The present title -- "For The Dead Ride Quickly" without the German -- is a gross mis-translation of the German in the original title, and is preserved here for its novelty and allure. Scholars debate the extent to which the collaborators in the video have corrupted Jackson's original words, and several drafts have been discovered of the script itself, though no firm evidence can confirm which folios were written by the hand of Jackson himself, and which are attempts by outside publishers to sell Jackson's script by memorizing and copying down the spoken text after the performance. It is well known that actors in The Mighty Swiss Brothel often took liberties with Jackson's text, adding lines here and there, or paraphrasing this or that sentence, but it is unknown to what extent Jackson himself revised his work based on these improvisations. Many researches speculate that Jackson may have had a contact inside the acting core who reported altercations while the rehearsals were in process, but sufficient evidence has not been marshaled to support this claim entirely. Various folio editions of the script can be found at the following addresses:

- Likely the "first" folio: First folio?
- Likely a publisher's copy: Publisher's copy?
- Likely an early draft: Draft?

Visit Stage One for an overview and record of the evolving artistic conceptualizations of the group.

Visit Andrew Butler's Live Journal for further information about the inspiration behind this play.


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